I'm too lazy to type this up again, so i'm gonna copy-pasta more or less what i said in the C&C regs lounge when i told them....
Yeah, yeah i know - it's probably a shock to most of you that i'm even married, let alone that i'll soon be getting a divorce and adding to the 1 in every 3 marriages ends in divorce statistic.
I've been married for 2 and a half years now, and i was with my wife another 3 years before hand. When we did tie the knot, we honestly did think it would be forever, but i guess we're not as compatible as we thought we were. There's alot of personal shit behind it all aswell, but all in all, we decided between the two of us that we'd probably be better off ending it now before it gets to a stage where there's no turning back (kids). I know some people will say to work shit out, but we've tried a few times and always end up in the same place. I guess we could keep trying and maybe it will work for a year or two, but i feel it's just delaying the inevitable.
We've agreed to great friends, and don't want any hard feelings between us, and don't want to end up fighting for money or anything like that - so atleast that's positive.
It's a sad situation i guess, and very stressful having to tell family and friends but i guess life goes on. We can't sit around feeling sorry for ourselves.....right?