How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Age 38, Male


Spain,but i'm from London

Joined on 11/9/02

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Life-Stream's News

Posted by Life-Stream - December 8th, 2007

So i´ve been here for just over 5 years now. 5 years. It´s a long time, more than most users, but due to many reasons i won´t go into, i havn´t leveled or posted a great deal for the amount of time i´ve been on NG. I see people here who´ve been here just a few months and they have double the amount of posts as i do. People from 04 are like level 30 and i just turned 20.

Posted by Life-Stream - November 24th, 2007

Ok guys i know i took like a week longer than i said, but i don´t have much time weekdays and i´ve been a bit lazy too, so i never got around to that update i was talking about. BUT, here it is.

Day1: Ok, so i left for London Monday afternoon and arrived at about 8pm in London. My cousin came to pick us up and we drove down to London. We got to his house at about 9pm and went out for a meal basically right away before all the restaurants closed. We went to the Harvester in the end :) Afterwards we went home and after catching up on the years we´ve been away we hit the bed at about 1am.

Day2: So we had planned to just hit the shops and have a look around in the area where my Auntie and Uncle live (Harrow), so we didn´t exactly have to get up real early. I think we got up at about 10 and left the house at 11ish. We went to a mall close by and brought quite a few things, i saw this comic shop and went in. There were Final Fantasy figures there but they were so expensive :( And there were some nice ones too....the highwind from FF7 or Clouds Fenrir motorcycle.....but they were like 30Pounds each and i knew i couldn´t just blow my money on that kind of stuff on holiday. So it was of home after hours of shopping. Oh, and we also saw some typical english vandalism. ;)

Day3: Today we headed towards Camden. Now for those of you that don´t know what Camden is, it´s a area in London, but with a difference. Here you will see people of all sorts. Here people dress different. Here people don´t care about what you might think of them. Blue hair, green hair, red hair, you name it you´ll see it here. And the shops are amazing! They have just about everything down there. Countless little shops with everything from clothes (quite wierd, but cool clothes) to shoes (i saw some shoes with like a meter sole) to drug accesories (flavoured smoking papers, weed crushers. I don´t do any of that by the way) to tattoo/piercings. I brought quite a few London souvenirs here for some friends back in Spain, as there was alot of good stuff. Alot of novelty T-shirts too.
Another cool thing about Camden are the outsides of the shops. There are alot of them with big models or cool designs on the walls - some pics below.
Here are a few more cool pics from Camden;
Manequins in clothes shop
Cyber Dog This is a shop called Cyber Dog, but it´s absolutely crazy. It´s like a night club in the shop. They have hard hosue music on full blast, neon lights everywhere, and crazy glow in the dark t-shirts, hats and alot of wierd clothes.
Dragon shop
Shoe shop
A different shoe shop
Jeans Shop
More crazy shops
Painted beach shop
A horse wall
Yet more crazy shops (this one has a plane on it)
Punky Fish - Yes, thats a teabag splattered on there :D
Some crazy hair dude giving out leaflets
Camden lock Bridge
A few more clothes shops
Some wierd little restaurants
Ok, so after a long day at Camden we headed home and got ready to go out to eat. Alot of my family from England came and in the end we were about 25 people. We went to an American Restaurant called TGI Fridays. I must say the food was very scrumpcious :)

Day4: We went to Central London on Thursday. We woke up a bit later than expected (at about 10) and headed for the train station, because driving into central London would take forever, not to mention the congestion charges they have now a days. So we caught the train at Kinsbury, and went to Baker Street to go to madam Tussauds. We got there at about 12 and by about 2:45 we´d finished there. It was very good there i must say. The wax people look like real. This was the first time i´d ever been to a wax museum before, and i was quite suprised at the realism. I took a shit load of photos of all the famous people but i can´t be bothered to upload them all so you´ll have to make do with these 3;
Samuel L. Jackson
Captain Jack Sparrow
Nicholas Cage
Alright, so after Madame Tussauds we headed back to the metro and caught another train to waterloo where the London eye is. It´s only a 5 minute walk from the station but it just happened to start raining just then. What a bastard, it hadn´t rained since we got to England (and it didn´t rain again after this) but just now, when we had to walk around outside it starts raining >:( So, we went on the London Eye which takes about 45 minutes to do one whole turn. It was cool, because you get some really nice views from up there. After the Eye we went to a near by McDonalds and arcade place for about an hour then walked across the bridge to see big Ben from close up. By the time we left McDonalds, it was already dark, so the London eye had put on the lights it has. blue lights go all the way around it and it looks super sexy. So we took more pictures, loved it all, and caught the train back home.
More London pics;
London Eye (again)
London eye at night (Blue lights)
london from high up
lights started coming on while we were at the top
Big Ben from high up
Big Ben from low down
big Ben close up
Panoramic view of London eye at night - I´m really pleased with this pic. I should get it printed out in big and frame it :D

Day5: Friday was a little more relaxed. We went to see my Grandparents that live about 100 miles north in a city called Coventry. We stayed there for a few hours and headed to northampton where i have more family, again stayed a few hours, headed home and chilled out.

Day6: Saturday i walked to some shops close by and brought a few things. I went to HMV and brought a few movies (A clock work orange, Laputa and Nausicaa-last 2 are animes) I went to a corner shop and brought a bag full of sweets and drinks that i can´t get in Spain, namely Hubba Bubba, Nerds, Dime bar, Wine gums, Mars Milkshake, Iron Bru, Dr.Pepper, Banana Milkshake :) Mmmm, goodies!
I headed back home to get ready to go out later that night. We left the house at about 10pm and met up with some of my cousins who were coming too. We had to order 5 taxis and went to club called Stanza which is pretty damn expensive. But for one night it didn´t really matter. Plus it was my cousins birthday and he wanted to come here, because he´s a bit of a big spender. Just look at a page of the price list (1pound = 2dollars more or less). I didn´t drink a great deal, but i was a bit tipsy i guess. I know when to stop, not like my brother who ended up getting sick in the taxi on the way back XD We got home at about 4am

Day7: Last day. We went to Wembley Market. It´s changed alot since i´ve been there. Apart from the new stadium the market´s changed alot too. We browsed the market for a couple of hours and had a lovely chicken Tikka wrap. I brought some copy CDs of the new stuff that isn´t out yet in Spain. And thats pretty much that. Headed home and started packing for the trip back on Monday.

So there it is, my slightly more detailed post of my holiday. Though i missed out alot of details and little things you should get the basic jist of it all. And you better fuckin like it, because it took me forever to upload all them photos!!!!

Posted by Life-Stream - November 15th, 2007

Well, as you regulars should know by now, i just got back from a week trip to London, and i had a really good time. I want to make a detailed post about it but thats going to take a while to type up, so i´ll update this post either tomorrow or Saturday. So, just to give you a brief sum-up, i went to Madame Tussauds, went on the London eye, walked to Big Ben, drove to Coventry and back, went to Camden - a great place in London, went out and got pissed, and inbetween all that saw alot of family i hadn´t seen in a long time so yeah, it was pretty good.

Posted by Life-Stream - November 5th, 2007

Ok guys. I won´t be here for a week. I´m going back to England as i mentioned before. I´ll be a whole 7 days away from NG :( And thats also 70exp i´m going to miss out on, cos i don´t have anyone to deposit exp for me.

Well, seeing as i´m gonna be gone for a week i want to make a some what large and interesting comment here to give you guys alot to comment on. Cos i want alot of comments to reply to when i come back, so leave me loads :)

Ok, lets start with funny .gifs i´ve seen around the net...
300 Bear dance
300 run
Scarey anime chick
power rangers!
Dr Evil Guinea pig
Capcom marathon
Epic sumo battle
Proof WWE is fake
Poor Stimpy
Anime is more real than you think
I loled at this James Bong Gif
Best gif battle ever!
Explosive shoe
Pedo Bear strikes!
Kung Fu baby
Best gif i´ve seen in my life. Just stare at the black cross.
Jack Black doing what he does best
ROFL copter
Ok. I think thats enough .Gifs for now. More next post.

So you got nothing to do? Bored? I´ll give you a few things to do...
1) Go read Xtesh´s story he´s writing here. It´s fuckin great!
2) Check out my favourite movies/games/books and stuff here.
3) Watch, and vote 5 on this collab i took part in :)
4) Like Final Fantasy? Talk about it here in the Final Fantasy Club here on NG.
5) Go and listen to the band Dream Theater. They are the best band in the world! Listen and watch some videos right here. Or check out their official site here. Oh, you can also talk about them here in the Dream Theater Club here on NG too.
6) Go to Bahamuts user page and just say ´FF4 Bahamut sucks ass´. He will love you for life :)
7) Go log your NG stats on NG log
8) Go to QuickSilverScreen to watch movies/documentaries and alot more. Great Site.
9) Go and watch the Final Fantasy Retrospective on GameTrailers.com. They´re like mini Documentaries on each game explaining a little about the game and it´s history. There are also more fore Metroid and Zelda if thats you thing.
Gamecopyworld is a great site to get patches/updates/hacks and alot more for games that you might have. Check it out.

Posted by Life-Stream - November 1st, 2007

Lol, i´m finally level 20, and free of that awful level 19 icon, though i can´t say the level 20 one is that great :(

Anyway, Halloween was fun. I actually put on a costume.....which is probably the first time in about 10 years! But i must say it was pretty fun because no-one could recognize me :D
I got absolutely wasted and i think i got home about 5am, good job i didn´t have work the next day.

Posted by Life-Stream - October 27th, 2007

Ok, so whats new? Nothing really. Oh, i´m going back to England soon, just for a week. I´m gonna go see my family and friends that i have there. I havn´t been back in 3 years, so i´m kinda looking forward to it. I´ll be going back on the 5th of November and coming back on the 12th, so that just over a week! I´ll probably update a few times before that anyway.

Posted by Life-Stream - October 20th, 2007

Ok, so everyone made a cool user page a while ago and i never got round to making one, so here it is. The people on my list are there because they´re cool to me. They may not be the most known on the BBS or on NG, but they´re cool none the less.

BlueHippo - He´s a stat whore mod, what else is there to say? ;)

XD0042006 - One of the greatest NG users. Funny, crazy......and she has bewbies!

Mendou - I´ve known him for a while now. He´s a pretty new user, but a very good one at that. We used to have a weekly pic post and get comments to see who´s pics were better. Good days.

Simon - Simon is a badass. He´s one of the best users on NG. He´s been here since 2000, so he´s a veteran. He also gave me my very first blog post :D

PantyWipe - PantyWipe is great. Apart from having a great username, he´s cool to talk to and joke with. We´re bestest Board Buddys!

Xtesh - Another cool user. We mainly speak in the FF and SE clubs aswell. He´s a good laugh, and knows his stuff. Very good writer too - he included me in his story! Go read it NOW!

Bahamut - This guy has good taste. He knows good Music and good games. Again, usually speak in the FF and SE clubs, but we also speak in the Dream Theater club - a club devoted to the best band in the world. He´s a little confused though ;)

Nev - This guy knows everything there is to know about metal music. He´s a real cool guy and also has good taste in music and games. He usually just posts in Clubs and Crews. Shame he´s not around as much now :(

Dark-Phire - Great guy. Another Dream Theater fan and good with Photoshop. He made the sig i´m using right now :)

Der-Lowe - He´s not around the BBS much, but always leaves me nice comments. He´s argentinian too :)

Culade - Like his username says - he´s cool-ade. This guy just randomely volenteered to judge mine and Mendous pics when we were having our little contest. Nice guy.

Underking2 - This guy started judging our pics when Culade couldn´t do it anymore. He´s not well known as he´s new aswell, but he´s an ok guy ´dood´.

Alicethedroog - She´s well known on the BBS even in the little amount of time she´s been here. She´s liked as much as she´s hated, but she´s a good user.
We have hot sex also :D

UberKuri - UberKuri is a crazy Australian/Thai mofo. His posts make me lol quite alot and he´s fun to talk to. He also made the first thread about me! Another great user here. <3



If you´re not on the list and think you should be, leave a comment and tell me why.

Posted by Life-Stream - October 16th, 2007

Ok, so this is more of an art pic more than ecchi. The artist that drew this pic is called Masamune Shirow. He´s the guy that created Ghost in the shell and AppleSeed. I´ve liked his art for a long time, and he just has a great way of drawing.

Posted by Life-Stream - October 11th, 2007

Old stuff gone.

Posted by Life-Stream - October 10th, 2007

Old stuff gone.