How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Age 38, Male


Spain,but i'm from London

Joined on 11/9/02

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YAY!!!!!!! lol, first comment, and nice pic.

YAY!!!!! reply to first comment!

you went to london and didn't tell me..i feel so... hurt!

i own london..... no thats a lie but i own a minute part of it via housing.


How would i tell you if i don´t know you :(

Also, what part of London are you from?

Glad to hear you're back. From the sounds of it, it must've been really kick ass.

Also, watermelons...(bursts into hysterical laughter)

Yeah it was pretty fun. I must say i had a good time.

Watermelons are now sexy.

I couldn't deposit for you because you never told me =[

So cut.

I made the post before i went....

Cut what?.....is this some Aussie talk? ;P

lol camden

Camden is a great place. Ever been?

Glad to see you back my good sir.

Thankyou kind knight o_O

yes, i know, yer bak and also it is saturday now, i probably won't be on doh (just rented smackdown vs raw 2008, been aitn a year for it, NEW MOVES!!! )

lol, wrestling....you know it´s all fake right? :P

OH MY GOD! That watermelon pic is SEX-A!

She´s offering you some watermelon after having smeared it all across her body.....ya want?

don't make me implode on yu like i did everyone, toanswer yer quetio yes, but its still cool, yu know that other shows an stuff are fake, why pik on wrestling

I´m not picking on wresteling, but i´m just saying it´s fake but they make out like it´s real and don´t admit it. And other shows (tv shows) aren´t fake, they´re fiction. There´s a difference, because the shows are like storys, they´re not trying to make it look real.
And the sad thing is, WWE has kids hooked on it, and they actually believe its all real. I mean, sure the guys get hit every now and then, but that´s their job, they´re bog strong guys, and thats what they do, but it´s all planned before hand. It´s all choreographed so they all know what to do and when.

I'm so cut*

EMO TALK =0 =0

Ahhh....i wouldn´t know. I know nothing about emo-ness :(

Hey there! Well hope you made it all back in one piece and everything and had a really great time. But yeah i have been to London once myself and it was alright to say the least. But it was the scenery that i liked.

Hey man, good to see you again. I had no idea you´d been to London. And yeah, i must admit even though it´s a big city and everything, it does have alot of nice photo opportunities, and i did take alot of photos when i went, i´ll post some soon.

im back too. she's done with me, so ill be here more. oh, and as for that online games post you did months ago, you should try Dungeon Runners. it's like WoW but free. it's pretty good, especially good when considering that it's free.

Sorry to hear about your girlfriend.

I´ll look into that Dungeon Runners. Thanks.

no they say it is real at times, just last week DX VS IDOTIC PEOPLE WHO KNOW THEY CAN'T BEAT DX!!! *CROTCH CHOPS* they did there dx promo as usual and then they like admitted wrestling was fake and everything, they even showed there schedule. its just fun towatch people moon others, hit others with chairs, and actually hurt thereselves ( go to wiki .com and they tell if its a real injury)

Alright man. I don´t really care about WWE, i was just letting you know it´s fake. o_O

also wwe is stories, story lines. when chris benoit died, they admitted it was a story, but they got bak in about 2 months later, because the busness is called, SPORTS EEEEENNNTEERRRTTAAAANNNNMMMMEEEENNNNT TTT, just cause they make yu fight an all out 9 boy battle royal in a hotel room ( which me and my high flying little partner won easily) and hurt yerself doesn't mean there real too ( like us when we fight, we once sprained jhonny's back, hhe couldn't fight for 2 whole days!! ). also we do fight any chance we get

You´re loosing me now.

This pic reminds me how much I love to eat watermelon and girls butts.

I mean, LICK girls butts. ROFL!

LMFAO. Maybe watermelon flavoured butt would be nice?

Noyce! Gettin pissed in merry old England!

Aye aye missy.

U hasn't comented in teh blagses of teh me liek in a longz timezorz! Is it becuz of mai bad grammerz???? :'(

aww, sorry Der-Lowe. I´ve been a bit more busy lately and havn´t been on NG as much. I´ll get round to that right away buddy.

can wait to read the amazing uk adventures of Lyfe-Streem

Please tell me you spelt my username wrong on purpose.

Shes going to be real sticky after that.

Lick her clean ;)

Buenos dias loquillo hentaico! Saludos del sur!

Jejeje, Muy Buenas MagoOscuro, ¿Que Tal?