That's right guys, i've made these 8 sigs, which i thought look pretty cool, and they're up for grabs. There are a few ´requirements´ though.....As these took me a bit of ttime and effort, the first requirement is that if you get one, you gotta use it for a while, not just one or two days and then change.
Another requirement is that you have quite a few BBS posts. I don't wanna give one of these to someone who has 100 posts, cos it's not worth it really.
Call me vain, but I want people to see these sigs, as, like i said, they took me some time and effort.
So, if you like what you see, tell me which colour you want. I may change fonts if I anyone wants and i feel like it, but don't ask for one of these in a complete different colour.
More may be made later if this goes down well......
Link to original size.
UPDATE: I decided to keep the blue one for myself, so suck balls :P
Can I take a green one? :3
That will be 1 buttsecks please.