Yeah, so i really love to travel, but unfortunately i can't travel as much as i would like to, due to it being so fucking expensive, and not being able to get time of work. But when i do get enough money saved up, some of the places i would like to visit are the following;
United States (A whole bunch of places)
Czech Republic
A Scandinavian country.....either Sweden or Norway.
Ecuador (I have a work mate from there, and he's moving back in a year or so, so he's invited me over. Place to stay saves me a bit of $$$)
There are alot of other places too, but the list would be endless. I don't even think i'll get around to visiting half the places that i just mentioned :( But the top 3 or 4 on my list i will......sometime in my life....
You really, really, really don't want to visit Japan.
Sure i do. I'm no weebo or whatever you call 'em, but i would love to visit Japan.