How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Age 38, Male


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Online Games

Posted by Life-Stream - August 16th, 2007

Hey guys. Ok so today i´m gonna talk a liittle about online games. To be mnore specific, i´m gonna talk about MMORPGs. There are many out there, some better than others. I havn´t played alot to be honest - but i´ve recently downloaded one thats seems pretty good. It´s called 2moons. It´s been advertised recently on Newgrounds. I´ve known about it for a few months now, but their servers have been ofline for a while. So now it´s all back up and running, i created my account and started to play. It´s a very good game - the graphics are great, probably better than WoW. The only thing few flaws i can think of right now are the lack of appearance customs (all jobs look the same. e.g if you are a hunter, every hunter looks the exact same as you except for armour, weapons etc..) and maybe lack of a few different monsters, but i am still to leave the first area.
I had been playing WoW a while back, cos my brother gave it to me to install and i tried the 10 day free trial before splashing out on a month of gameplay. It was Ok, i actually quite liked it, for the time i played it. But i don´t think i would pay monthly to play a game, not yet anyway - maybe in the future all games will be like that, but untill then i prefer to play for free :D
Another good MMORPG i used to play was one called Knight Online. That game had quite alot of options and fairly good graphics. Plus it was free to play, all you had to do was download and setup an account. The thing is, the game has become crazy. There are too many people in it now. They have about 10 servers and they are nearlly always full. And if they are full, you can´t get on, UNLESS you are a monthly paying customer. You don´t have to pay, it´s optional, but if you do pay, you get priority on connecting and stuff. in other words if you pay you always get on, and the poor bastards have to wait a few hours untill the traffic has calmed down.
Anyway, thats that. If anyone wants to play a MMORPG i recommend 2moons right now. Very good - all free, quick and simple.


Funny, because now that I play WoW, i can't look at any other online games anymore. Only shooters, really.

Its a really good game, i know, very big with thousands of options, jobs, proffesions, items etc... but i´m a cheap bastard and dont wanna pay every month, lol. :)

Sorry, I couldn't help it, I skipped all the text and scrolled down to the pic XD

Not suprised, lol. now that you´ve had a good stare, go read!

oh yeah, sorry bout that; you won the last round. this round looks promising. looks like a "class vs ecchi" round. i'm pulling for Mendou's pic, you already know why.

i'm a cheap bastard as well, so i may check out this 2moons. i have tried some of the older free rpg's advertised here. didn't like any of them. i liked albatross 18, but its a golf game.

ps: those clock day submissions' scores were horrendous. 3.50+ for a single picture is ridiculous. even for clock day.

I guess you´re pulling for Mendou´s cos you´re not too keen on the big jugs, right?

Also, golf games suck ass...

Also, also, i agree on the clock comment.

Nice, a little to slutty for my taste though.

You always have some little comment against the pics, but atleast you said ´nice´ :D

You´re one was a bit better than your others this week, in my opinion.

She's black.


I wouldn´t call her black-persé. It´s more of a dark tan....you can tell that shade of skin is not blak though.
I´m not a racist person, but black girls don´t really do it for me, so she´s not black :D


I agree about the pic bit...
I´ve never seen the series, but it´s probably cool.

Damn that looks good. Bleach does have quite a lot of chicks to choose from Bleach. Probably one of the largest lineups of any anime.

Indeed it does. Just look how many there are in the banner!

it feels like everywhere you go lately, BAM! yaoi pic. at least there's one place i know i'm not going to find a yaoi pic. oh yeah, your request for boobage was denied.

I´m trying to make them stop with the yaoi....it´s nasty. And no, here you will not find yaoi.....never!


This is not hentai. This is called ecchi.....now go play with your sheep :P

Madness? THIS IS EC...wait ecchi is the Japanese word for hentai or perverted. umm, the guys at Wiki gave it several definitions. yeah, they really cleared things up. either way it is hentai related. i guess you're using their hentai-lite or pin-up girl meaning.

Meh, call it what you will, it´s not porn. Not even soft-core. This is just like a bikini shot...nothing more....still hawt!

More yuna please.

I´ll get around to her soon. I have something lined up already for tomorrow, so maybe next week. But only if i fins a good pic of her....which is pretty hard. There aren´t many good ones of her in my opinion. (when i say good i mean like the last yuna pic)

i used my post to announce this round's winner. sorry if either of you don't like the results, but i don't decide the winner; the scoring system does.

Yeah, but you´re the one that decides what a ´good comment´ is.

if you have an xbox360 downlaod phantysstr online gamer tag RKLM

I don´t have xbox360 sorry