I think India would be quite interesting to visit, with their culture and everything.
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Age 38, Male
Spain,but i'm from London
Joined on 11/9/02
I think India would be quite interesting to visit, with their culture and everything.
Yeah, it does look pretty cool. I have a friend who went and he enjoyed it. Obviously, you have to know that it's a 3rd world country, and won't have all the gizmos, gadgets and comfors that we're used to, but that's just part of the experience, right.
Oh, and my Grandmother is from there, so i have some Indian blood in me.
if you're visiting the US, then hit up Arizona or Florida, you'll feel right at home in places like those :P
Florida/Miami is a must, with all those theme parks around there. But there's quite a few places in the US i'd like to visit....pretty much the most famous cities; NY, Vegas, LA...
You really, really, really don't want to visit Japan.
Sure i do. I'm no weebo or whatever you call 'em, but i would love to visit Japan.