How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Age 38, Male


Spain,but i'm from London

Joined on 11/9/02

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Yeah, so i´ve been off work all this week and it´s been great. I´ve just been lazing around at home, on the computer, watching movies, playing games (just got crysis, so been playing that), and i´ve been on NG alot more than usual, so it´s been pretty cool.

But tomorrow i start work again and i´m not looking forward to it :( But oh well, atleast i got another week of at the end of July, and i´ll also have a long weekend in June because i´m going to England for my cousins wedding. I´ll be going on a Friday and coming back the next Monday so that´s another 2 days of work there.

Man i hate work >:(

P.S: New userpage banner/profile pic/Post pic/icon.


P.S who wouldent hate work!

PP.S is that chick from Street Fighter?

Yes, that´s Cammy from street fighter.

riders on the storm

The doors.

Your userpage lacks sexy men =(

I could do with some time off work myself, but my hours suit me really - 5am start, 1pm finish, so I get the rest of my day to just laze about. Plus I just worked out how to sneakily get on the internet there so it's all good for the moment.

What do you do anyway?

No, your userpage lacks sexy women ;P

Wow, you have really great hours. You start really early but i guess that´s compensated by your finishing time. I work from 8:30-2, have a 2 hour break (stupid Spanish siesta shite) then start again at 4-8pm, so that´s 12 hours i´m gone from home a day >:(

I work in a plumber/air con merchants, so we just sell all those kinda things....i attend to customers etc...

Best userpage ever.

Spank you very mooch <3

Well men are just so much better looking =P

Yeah before I started this job I was terrible at getting up but the hours work so much better for me then a 9 to 5 job. I've not overslept once yet, it just feels a bit sad when you head off for bed just after 8pm =P

Ah I forgot Spanish people did that. Don't they sleep during that time? Why did you move to Spain?!


No, no, no. Women are alot hotter...they have more to look at....and grope...You know it´s true.

And yeah, Spanish people are supposed to have the siesta which is a little kip, but i don´t know anyone that actually does. All my colleagues just go home, eat and end up watching TV for an hour.

I moved to Spain because my parents wanted to really. It was 5 and a half years ago, and i was only 16, so i didn´t have much say in the whole thing. But it´s not too bad in the end. I´ve brought my own house, learnt a new language and stuff. I do miss England sometimes though :(

Cammy is hot. :3

Oh you know it buddy.

ahh cool userpage.. its the first time ive seen anyone sych up all 4 areas to tile seamlessly.

Now you just need to make your latest flash submission icons pieces of Cammy and youll have a royal flush

Thanks Luis. I think the very first person to do the 4 areas was ´amplified´. I think i was second, but i didn´t know he did it untill after i made mine.

I hadn´t thought of that! I´m gonna see if i can try to do it next time :D

Yes, not having to work is great. I'm grateful I won't start working until September. That means a cool few months for me to relax.

I'm loving the new picture layout. Once again you prove my point: You have the best userpage.

Haha I just found your"What should boobs taste like?" thread. Some of the posts are priceless!

You´ll hate every minute of it!

Thanks again man...makes me all tingly inside ;)

Lol, i knew that thread would get shit loads of pages. I don´t make alot of threads, but when i do, they´re well thought out and always seem to get quite a few pages.

Glad to know you are coming back home old boy. Back to the land that bore you from her bussum.
Also i like the banner and profile pic.
I have never played a Street Fighter game peroperly so not so much in likeing her, still prefere Tifa.
Needs more Tifa.
I have put you a picture of Tifa in my latest news post. Enjoy.

I´m not much of a street fighter fan myself, but it does have some really good characters like Chun-li.

I just really liked this pic, and it worked pretty well for the userpage lay out, so there she is.

I was thinking of doing Tifa, but i´ve been doing her too much lately so i thought i´d have a change.

And thanks....commented ;)

Fuck work. I'm not 16 yet, so nobody will give me a job. :D

Just keep wanking till you start.

Chun Li, hmm... i might have to google her.
If you didn't want to do Tifa then why not do someone like Ayane, Kasumi or Yuffie?
Also thanks and replied. =D

Well, i had this pic on my computer, so rather than look for a whole new pic i just used this one.

The pic has to be pretty high res other wise it gets really pixely when you enlarge it :(

Meh. I was never a big fan of Cammy. Dunno why, she just never appealed to me I guess.

Shame about work, but at least it's money.

Like i said, i´ve never been a real SF buff, but that doesn´t change the fact that she is pretty hawt :P

Yeah i suppose. I do need money....pay house, bills etc...


Not crisis core. A game called ´Crysis´. It´s a PC game -_-


I need a banner tho you're right. I'll do that next.


I will join you in your world conquering quest.

Cammy is one hot robot.

Oh yeah she is. Do you think everything works on her?

No offence, i love the picture. But i am a bit tired of coming onto your page and staring at her tight clothing, especialy around her vagina. So is it time for another post maybe?

I know, i just don´t have alot of time to make a new post all the time. I´ll try and make on now.