How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Age 38, Male


Spain,but i'm from London

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You have the cutest kitten ever.

I liked the other picture in the pet thread better though.

Anyways, I think you should name the kitten "Scoot".

It's a play on my name, and it looks fitting for him.

Scoot, lol. I kinda like it.

As for the bird, "Tit".

XD I was expecting something along those lines.

I don't know why, but my mom just got two Cockatiel named Shirlely and Percy.

What did they do to deserve those horrible names? o_o

How about Birdie and Cealing Cat?

I also really like the pic of Tifa posted but im turning towards Yuffie at the moment as she is under rated. But Tifa is great too.

Also i can't delieve you like Muse. I only like the guitar Solo from Knights of Cydonia as it is amazing.

Finaly... Monkeys.

Those are horrible names -_-

Yuffie is ok, and there are some nice pics of her around.....but she´s nothing compared to Tifa :P

Muse = good music. They aren´t my favourite group, but i do like a bit of Muse.

Monkeys soon...

Muuuse ^^ <3

I've always wanted a pet, but my parents won't let me have one. They think I'm too irresponsible |=|

Muuuse ^_^

Show them otherwise...

I think yu should get rid of the bird. =[ Either set it free (if it's likely it'll survive) or give it to an animal centre which has a large aviary. Birds really shouldn't be kept as pets, especially when they have no other birds to interact with and to live in cages. It's cruel =3

I don´t think it would survive here in the wild.

I´m gonna get him a little buddy to keep him company :(

I deserve credit for my kitten suggestion name.

Scoot is an awesome name.

How should I know? People call me that all the time. ;)

My girlfriend doesn´t like it :(

Lol. I was just jokeing with the names.

How about Vogel for your bird and Streifen for your kitty.

Vogel is German for Bird.
Streifen is German for stripes.

These are also partialy for a joke. But meh. I would call my cat Streifen just for when i call for him i can put on a German accent.

They sound wierd, but quite good. I like Streifen, Or maybe just streif or strife.

lulz wiz ze germann acczent.

Your new pets are adorable! Also, Muse rawks. I love that guitar intro on Plug in Baby. What a band.

Thanks man. And yeah, that is a mind blowing intro!

Yeah, personally, I think I'd be responsible enough for a pet. And it's not just that, my mom doesn't want animals running around the house, thinks they'll be too much of a mess =|

Well, they can be a bit of a mess and a handful to take care of. Especially dogs. They shit and piss everywhere. Cats are better at that, but can also scratch at furniture etc...

AWESOME Batman logo on that broads leg. Are you as excited as I am to see the new Batman movie? I am very excited to see the Joker.

lol, you really love you Batman, eh?

I´m not a big Batman fan, but i´ll probably watch the movie anyway.

Never liked the joker though :/

Why not? D:

It's a cute name. D:>

What about just plain Scott then?

Nah. She likes Simba -_-

How about Yuffie and Cait-sith!
and, no naked pictures of Tifa? cause tht would be golden! :3

I´ve posted alot more of Tifa in past posts, but i never post full nude. That´s what hentai sites are for.

i think thats why god invented hentai, to show off tifa!
god dayum!!

Agree with you there ;)

Simba is WAY too cliche.

I know, i´m not too keen on it either.